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Session Laws, 1825
Volume 402, Page 206   View pdf image (33K)
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Dec. Ses. 1825.

                            LAWS OF MARYLAND.

who shall appoint their president in manner before
directed; of which elections, and the place of holding the same,
one month previous notice shall be given by the president and

Title vested.     7.  And be it enacted, That the president and directors first
elected as aforesaid shall as soon as may be after their election
proceed to Havre-de-Grace, and fix upon such site as they may
deem most proper upon which to erect said bridge, and cause a
survey thereof to be made, and of as much fast land on each
side of said river contiguous to said bridge, as will be sufficient
for extending the abutments of said bridge and for laying out
roads from either end of said bridge to the post road leading
from Philadelphia to Baltimore; and when the said survey is
made the president and directors may receive deeds of gifts of
the ground so surveyed, if the proprietors be inclined to make
donations, and if not, and a price cannot be agreed upon by the
parties or if the proprietors be minors, feme coverts or insane, a
jury of disinterested freeholders may be summoned at the instance
of either party by the sheriff of the county where the
lands lie, to view the said grounds, and upon oath or affirmation
to value the same; of the meeting of which jury, ten days notice
at least shall be given to the opposite party, and so proved to the
satisfaction of the jury before they proceed to such valuation; and
the same when made as aforesaid, shall be final.


    8.  And be it enacted, That when the said survey and valuation
is made as aforesaid, and the proprietors paid for the property,
or a tender made of the valuation so ascertained, the said
survey, with all the proceedings thereon, shall within six
months after its completion be recorded both in Cecil and Harford
county court offices, and remain a perpetual testimony of a
fee simple title in the president and directors aforesaid, and
their successors, of the property mentioned in said survey, to
and for the use and benefit of the stockholders in said company,
as tenants in common in proportion to their respective shares of
said stock, and the said president and directors and their successors,
shall be and are hereby accordingly vested (for the use
aforesaid) with an estate in fee simple in the property to be included
within such survey, or to be acquired by contract and
deeds in pursuance of this act:  Provided nevertheless, that nothing
shall be done by the said company to interrupt the navigation
of said river, more than what may unavoidable arise from
the erecting, repairing or rebuilding the said bridge; and the
said bridge when erected, shall be, and is hereby declared a public
highway forever thereafter, subject however to the provisions
contained in this act.
Procure materials.     9.  And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful to, and
for the president and directors aforesaid, for the time being,
their agents and servants, to enter into, and upon the lands near
to where the said bridge is to be built, and take stone, gravel or

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Session Laws, 1825
Volume 402, Page 206   View pdf image (33K)
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