two hundred and fourteen dollars sixty-six cents, and two thirds
of a cent; on Montgomery county, the sum of seven hundred
and twenty-six dollars sixty-six cents and two thirds of a cent;
and on Allegany county, the sum of three hundred and thirty-seven
dollars thirty-three cents and one third of a cent
which said several sums shall be collected in the same
manner that county charges are collected, and by the same collectors,
the levy courts respectively taking additional bond and
security from their respective collectors for their faithfully collecting,
paying, and accounting for the monies to be collected
under this act. |
Dec. Ses. 1825. |
2. And be it enacted, That it shall
be the duty of each and every
collector to pay into the treasury of the Eastern or Western
Shore, as the case may be, the sum to be by him collected as
aforesaid, on or before the first day of May, in the year one
thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven. |
Collector to
pay over. |
3. And be it enacted, That the levy
courts of the several
counties in this state shall meet on or before the first Monday
in May next, to levy and assess the several sums mentioned in
this act. |
Levy court to
meet in May. |
— |
An act for the establishment and support of public free schools in the
first election district of Baltimore county. |
Pas'd March
1, 1826. |
WHEREAS, it has been justly represented by the inhabitants
of the first election district of Baltimore county, to the legislature
of Maryland, that a system of public free schools, which
should be supported by a fair scale of taxation, and depend for
its operation within said district upon the future decision of a
majority of the voters at that time actually residing in such
district, might prove highly beneficial to them; Therefore, |
Preamble. |
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland,
That an election shall be held in the first election district of
Baltimore county, on the first Monday in October next, and on
the same day in every year thereafter, in which the citizens of
the said district who are entitled to vote for delegates to the
general assembly of Maryland, shall be entitled to vote for, and
elect, give of the most discreet, sensible and virtuous citizens
of said district; which persons so elected, shall be known by
the name and style of the commissioners of public free schools
of the first election district of Baltimore county. |
Annual election
of five
of Free
2. And be it enacted, That the judges
of elections who may
hold the elections in the first election district of Baltimore
county on the first Monday of October next, and on the first
Monday of October in every year thereafter, shall in all respects
conduct the elections of commissioners of public free schools
of said district, in the same manner as in other elections, and |
Time and
manner of
the election. |