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Proceedings of the Senate, 1904
Volume 401, Page 85   View pdf image (33K)
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1904.] OF THE SENATE. 85
so that all official business shall be transacted in the
Executive Offices in this city.
The Constitution requires the Governor to "take
care that the laws are faithfully executed." This I
am resolved to do, and in order to do so effectively I
shall appoint no man to public office who is not
thoroughly competent and reliable. And he-re, in the
presence of this gieat assemblage of my fellow coun-
trymen, I dedicate my best efforts and talents to the
I am deeply sensible of my shortcomings, and of my
inability to measure up to every requirement of the
high office, upon the duties of which I am about to
enter, but I know that I can rely upon the indulgence
of the people of my native State, because they are
ever willing to extend encouragement to one who is
striving as best he can to serve them faithfully.
Relying, then, upon the favor of the people and,
above all, upon the guidance of that Divine Being in
whose hands all things are, I am now ready to take
the oath of office.
The oath of office was then administered to the
After the oath of office was taken by His Excellency
the Hon. Edwin Warfield, prayer was offered by the
Rev. John Timothy Stone, of Baltimore, Md., as fol-
lows :
Almighty God, Thou who art the Father of us all,
Thou who art the giver of law, and the framer of all
righteous governments, we invoke Thy divine blessing
upon this State and in this sacred seivice. Bless, we
pray Thee, Thy servant, the Governor of this State
and fill him with all wisdom and judgment. Bless all
who are associated with him in the making and execu-
tion of law, and give us all here assembled Thy Divine
favor and love. We pray Thee also to bless all those
who are dear to him. and may Thy care andw\atchful
love guide us all.
God, The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy
Ghost be with and bless us all, we ask in Thy name.—

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Proceedings of the Senate, 1904
Volume 401, Page 85   View pdf image (33K)
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