and urge that you give them prompt and favorable
I wish especially to approve his recommendation of
an appropriation for the proper representation of
Maryland at the great World's Fair to be held in St.
Louis to commemorate the purchase of the Louisiana
Territory by Thomas Jefferson, the Father of Democ-
racy, and I heartily endorse all that he says as to the ad-
vantages which will accrue to our State from an expo-
sition of her resources and special advantages.
You, Senators, and Members of the House of Dele-
gates, have grave responsibilities resting upon you.
Especially is this the case with you, the Denocratic
members, who, because of your commanding majority
in both Houses, will be held accountable and respon-
sible for the legislation of this Session.
You can make a creditable record for the State and
your party if you do not put partisanship above the
public weal. Strive to represent the will and the wish
of the people in voting for both measures and men.
Let it be known that individuals and corporations who
seek legislation must rely on the merits of the meas-
ures they present; that in Maryland no "third house"
can pass a law; that your obligations are to your con-
stituents, and to them alone. Those who seek honest
and proper legislation should receive prompt consid-
eration, without cost or hindrance. Set your face
firmly against extravagant expenditures and unneces-
sary officers and employes in your respective bodies.
Thus prove to the people that they did not trust you
in vain.
The seat of the State government is Annapolis. New
buildings have been erected and extensive improve-
ments and additions to old buildings are under way,
which will give ample and comfortable accommoda-
tions for the public officers of the State.
The founders of our State directed that the public
business should be transacted at the capital. In obe-
dience to that requirement and the mandate of the
Constitution, I shall take up my residence in Annap-
olis and require the Secretary of State to reside here,