terior of the old State House has been changed from
its original shape to such an extent that it is practi-
cally impossible to attempt to restore the entire build-
ing to its former condition. After a careful examina-
tion and research it is believed to be possible to restore
the old Senate Chamber to its original plan and de-
sign. 1 urgently recommend this to be done, and that
the old Senate Chamber be restored and retained as a
historical memorial.
The appropriation available for the addition to the
State House is inadequate. I respectfully recommend
that your Honorable Body authorize the Building
Commission to complete the structure carrying out the
work as smarted and as recommended by the commis-
sion after a most careful and exhaustive study of the
The construction of the new building adjoining the
old State House developed a very unsatisfactory and
serious condition in respect to the latter. It has been
necessary to underpin and reconstruct most of the ad-
joining wall of the old Stare House. The old build-
ing needs a thorough renovation. The floors, roof
and dome are of wood construction, and should a fire
occur in the old building, it would seriously jeop-
ardize if not destroy the new building also.
A carelul examination of the old building discloses
the fact that many joists are resting on wooden bear-
ing timbers bedded in the brick walls. These bearing
timbers were absolutely rotten, and the ends of the
joists in the same condition. Some of these have been
removed and the rotten timbers replaced with cement
and brick. There is reason to presume the same con-
dition extends to other parts of the building. For
this reason and for the safety and preservation of the
new building the present floors and roof of the old
building should be replaced by fire proof construction,
and the outside cornice and portico, which is now of
wood in bad condition, be replaced with marble to
correspond in design with the old work.
These suggestions are not intended to mar or alter
the general appearance of the building, but on the