1904.] OF THE SENATE. 43
and twenty years, as returned by the Superintendent
of the State Census, taken under authority of Chap-
ter 3 of the Acts of 1901. The sum of fifteen hundred
dollars was appropriated to pay for the accomplish-
ment of this work, which was expeditiously done
and the compilation certified to the State Comp-
troller to be used by him as the basis for the
apportionment of the public school fund by that
officer for less than half the amount appropriated
therefor. The tables thus prepared furnish a much
more accurate, fair and satisfactory basis to be used in
apportioning the school fund than that founded upon
the returns of the Federal Census, which was confes-
sedly incorrect.
There are many valuable and efficient institutions of
learning in Maryland which receive appropriations
from the State in consideration of educating students
selected by the different county authorities.
The relations of the State towards such institutions
are upon a business basis. The status of the Mary-
land Agricultural College is extraordinary, as a large
share of the capital stock of that corporation is owned
by the State, and the college is practically a State in-
stitution, and under the management and control of
tly State.
It is therefore especially gratifying to note the
steady growth and increasing usefulness of the College.
The functions of the institution are complex and ex-
It offers four years collegiate work along the lines
of agricultural and mechanical instruction in the ordi-
nary course of a college curriculum.
It also offers a two years course in agriculture,
and a ten weeks course in any of the special lines
of the agricultural profession, such as dairying, stock
feeding, etc.
The college conducts scientific investigation in con-
nection with many agricultural problems which con-
front modern agriculturists, and the publication and
dissemination of these results, for the benefit of the