men and women who otherwise might make a life
work of the profession instead of a temporary ex-
pedient to tide them over until something better de-
The present appropriation of $10,000.00 is entirely
inadequate to provide relief for all the worthy appli-
cants, and the annual appropriation should be in-
creased to twenty thousand dollars, which amount
will be required to honor all the applications which
will meet the requirements of the Act.
The Maryland Geological Survey has among its re-
cords the necessary data (which the State paid to col-
lect) for the preparation of physical and geological
wall maps of the State. These maps, which would
graphically represent the surface characteristics of the
State and the geological formations with their economic
products and soils, would prove of the very greatest
educational value to the schools. Provision should be
made to have the survey prepare such maps, accom-
panied by explanatory pamphlets, rendering this use-
ful information readily available to the teachers and
pupils of the public schools.
This same data has been eagerly sought by pub-
lishers for the purpose of preparing such maps for sale,
and the State is in a position to publish and distribute
the same to the schools at a very much smaller figure
than any private publishing concern would do.
It is believed the amount now appropriated annual-
ly for free books, $150,000, is sufficient to purchase all
the books required and also permit the several county
school boards of the State to provide the schools with
maps or charts such as I have referred to above at
their actual cost value.
The General Assembly of 1902, Chapter 30(5, charged
me with the duty and authority to appoint some com-
petent person or persous to ascertain and compile a re-
port of the population in the various counties and the
City of Baltimore between the school ages of five years