The Secretary of State, the Hon. Wilfred Bateman,
appeared and delivered the following message from
the Executive :
January 6, 1904.
To the General Assembly :
You have assembled to-day in obedience to the
mandate of the Constitution of Maryland to enact laws
suited to our needs, and which are best calculated to
advance the prosperity, happiness and moral welfare
of our people.
The people of the State have expressed their con-
fidence in you, and I have every reason to believe you
are each and every one animated by a patriotic pur-
pose to measure up to the responsibility thus imposed
upon you by the Electors of Maryland, and it is not
my desire in the performance of this, my duty, under
the Constitution, in transmitting my message for your
consideration to press my own theories upon your
notice. But I do most earnestly wish to call your at-
tention to conditions as they exist, and I shall en-
deavor candidly to give you exact information as to
State affairs, so that you may be guided in applying
the proper remedy and in giving the necessary aid and
relief in the exercise of your own good judgment and
sound sense by a knowledge of the facts
I congratulate the members of the General Assem-
bly and the incoming Executive on assuming charge
of the Statfe Government under such favorable auspices.
The State is peaceful and generally prosperous, and
whilst there are vexatious problems to be dealt with
by your Honorable Body, I feel confident of your
ability to solve them to the best interest and welfare
of the people.
I herewith annex a short summary of the financial
condition of the State, which contains much to chal-
lenge our admiration for the splendid management of