Mr. Gorman submitted the following order :
Ordered, That the rules' adopted by the Senate at
the Session of 1902, be hereby adopted as the rules
governing the present Senate, including the following :
The following Standing Committees, which shall
have leave to Report by bill or otherwise, shall be ap-
pointed at the beginning of each session by the Presi-
dent, unless otherwise ordered by the Senate:
1. On Finance, to consist of seven Senators.
2. On Judicial Proceedings, to consist of seven
3. On Corporations, to consist of seven Senators.
4. On Elections, to consist of seven Senators.
5. On Inspections, to consist of five Senators.
6. On Education, to consist of five Senators
7. On Agriculture and Labor, to consist of five
8. On Executive Nominations, to consist of five
9. On Militia, to consist of five Senators.
10. On Engrossed Bills, to consist of seven Senators.
11. On Public Institutions, to consist of five Senators
12. On Federal Relations, to consist of five Senators.
13. On Pensions, to consist of five Senators.
14. On Railroads and Canals, to consist of five
15. On Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries, to consist
of five Senators.
16. On Printing, to consist of five Senators.
17.. On Retrenchment of Expenses of State Gvern-
ment, to consist of five Senators,
18. On Sanitary Condition of State, to consist of
five Senators.
19. On Library, to consist of five Senators.
20. On Contingent Expenses of Senate, to consist of
five Senators.
21. On Rules, to consist of the President and two