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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 779   View pdf image (33K)
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1892.] OF THE SENATE. 779

visions of this Act, but such instructions shall be in
all particulars in conformity with the provisions of this
Act, and he shall transmit to each of said assessors,
members of said Board of Control and Review, and
clerks, two printed copies of the forms and instruc-
tions, so by him prepared for their use respectively;
that it shall be his duty to prepare and have printed
at the expense of the State, a full and complete form
of schedule of all kinds of personal property which
are now or may at any time be subject to taxation
under the laws of this State, to which he may add
such interrogations as he may deem proper for the
purpose of securing a full disclosure of all such prop-
erty, and he may from time to time change the form
of such schedule or interrogatories, or make such ad-
ditions thereto as he may deem proper, and the said
State Tax Commissioner shall cause the said forms of
schedule and interrogatories to be delivered to the said
assessors, the respective Board of County Commis-
sioners of the several counties of this State, and the
Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore city, at such times as
may be necessary for the purpose of carrying into
effect the provisions of this Act.

173. That the said assessors appointed under the
provisions of this Act, for the said several assessment
districts of any county in this State, shall assemble
at the places in their respective counties at which the
Circuit Court for said respective counties are usually
held, on the first Tuesday in May, in the year eighteen
hundred and ninety-two, except in Baltimore county,
in which county the assessors of said county shall so
assemble on the third Tuesday in July in the year
eighteen hundred and ninety-two, and thereupon enter
upon the performance of their respective duties; and
the assessors appointed under this Act for the several
assessment districts in the city of Baltimore, shall
assemble at the City Hall in said city, on the same
day, and thereupon enter upon the performance of
their respective duties, and the assessors so assembled
in the respective localities as aforesaid, shall primarily
proceed to consider their respective duties under this
Act and the instructions of the State Tax Commis-
sioner, and the forms prepared for their use, to the
end that their said respective duties may be uniformly


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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 779   View pdf image (33K)
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