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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 778   View pdf image (33K)
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best of my skill and judgment, execute the duties of
the said office diligently and faithfully, according to
the directions of this Act under which I am appointed,
entitled an Act to provide for the general valuation
and assessment of property in this State, without
favor, affection or partiality,'' which said oath or affir-
mation, properly attested by a Justice of the Peace or
other competent person before whom the same shall
have been taken, shall be tiled by the person taking
the same, within ten days after his appointment, in
the office of the County Commissioners of that county
in which or in any part of which his said duties are
to be performed, and in the office of the Appeal Tax
Court of the city of Baltimore, if his duties are to be
performed in said city or in any part thereof.

171. That it shall be the duty of the said County
Commissioners of the several counties and of the Ap-
peal Tax Court of Baltimore city, to notify the Gov-
ernor of any failure on the part of any person ap-
pointed assessors for any part of their respective
counties, or of the city of Baltimore, or a member of
any Board of Control and Review for their respective
counties, or for any part of the city of Baltimore to
qualify as aforesaid, and to notify any Board of
Control and Review of the failure of any clerk or
clerks by it appointed to qualify as aforesaid,
and upon receiving notice of the failure of any
persons appointed as assessors, or member of a Board
of Control and Review so to qualify, the Governor
shall forthwith appoint another peison to the said
office, and on the failure of any clerk to any Board of
Control and Review so to qualify, the said Governor
shall forthwith appoint another person to the said
ofiice, and the said respective powers of appointment
by the said Governor and by the said respective Boards
of Control and Review shall be exercised whenever any
vacancy shall occur in the office of assessors, members
of the Board of Control and Review, or clerk created
under this Act.

172. That the State Tax Commissioner be and he is
hereby directed to prepare, forthwith, printed instruc-
tions and forms for the guidance and direction of the
assessors, members of the Board of Control and Review
and clerks to said boards, appointed under the pro-


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Proceedings of the Senate, 1892
Volume 400, Page 778   View pdf image (33K)
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