ceeding as heretofore ordered, with the business of
electing a Senator in Congress from this State in suc-
cession to Hon. Arthur P. Gorman, shall proceed, in
accordance with the provisions of title 2, chapter 1,
of said Revised Statutes, with the business of electing
a Senator in Congress from this State for the term
ending on the 4th day of March, 1897, to fill the va-
cancy caused by the death of the Hon. Ephraim K.
By order,
Chief Clerk.
Which was read.
Mr. Hayes presented the following message:
January 18th, 1892.
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates:
We have received your message, proposing that the
Senate and House of Delegates respectively, on Jan-
uary 19th, 1892, in their respective Chambers, imme-
diately after the naming by the votes of their respec-
tive members, in the manner prescribed by the Revised
Statutes of the United States, a person as Senator in
Congress from this State in succession to Hon. Arthur
P. Gorman, and after the entry on the respective
Journals of the Senate and House of Delegates of the
results of such respective votes, shall proceed openly
on said January 19 h, 1992, in their respective Cham-
bers, in the manner provided by title 2, chapter 1, of
the Revised Statutes of the United States, by the
viva voce vote of each member present in said Senate
and House of Delegates, respectively, to name one
person as a Senator in Congress from this State to fill
the vacancy caused by the death of the Hon. Ephriam
K, Wilson, a Senator in the Congress of the United
States from this State, who died during the recess of
the Legislature of this State, for the term ending on
the 4th day of March, 1897; and that the members of
the Senate and the members of the House of Delegates
shall, at 12 o'clock, Meridian, on Wednesday, Janu-
ary 20th, 1892, convene in Joint Assembly in the Hall
of the House of Delegates, in accordance with the
provisions of title 2, chapter 1, of the said Revised