party of the second part, the receipt ef which before
the sealing and delivery of these presents is hereby
acknowledged, have given, giant ed, bargained, sold,
aliened, enfeoffed, released, conveyed and confirmed,
and do by these presents give, grant, bargain, sell,
alien, en feoff, release, convey and confirm unto the
party of the second part, al] that part of a tract of
land formerly called "Oxon Hill Manor, " now called
"Mount Welby, " lying and being in Oxon Hill Dis
trict, Prince George's county, Maryland.
Beginning for the same at a stone on the north
side of the main road from Alexandria Ferry to
Upper Marlboro", and also on the west side of the
main road from Broad Creek to Washington, D. C.,
and running with the west side of last mentioned road
north one degree east eighteen perches; then with the
centre of said load north twelve degrees fifteen min-
utes west seventy perches; north ten degrees thirty
minutes east twenty-six and four-tenths perches; north
one degree east fourteen perches; north twenty-three
degrees forty five minutes west twenty-eight per-
ches; north forty degrees fifteen minutes west
twenty perches; north forty-nine degrees forty-five
minutes west seventeen perches; north four degrees
thirty minutes east fourteen and seventy-two hun-
dredths perches; north twenty-six decrees west
twenty-five and sixty-eight hundredths perches; to
intersect the 53d line of Oxon Hill Manor seven and
two-tenths perches from its beginning, then with the
lines of Oxon Hill Manor (corrected) down Oxon Run,
south thirty-one degrees west four and eight-tenths
perches; south fifty-five degrees thirty minutes west
eight perches; north seventy-five degrees thirty
minutes west twenty-five perches; south eighty-five
degrees thirty minutes west twenty perches; south
fifty-two degrees thirty minutes west thirty two
perches; south eighty degrees thirty minutes west
twenty-eight perches to Oxon creek; then in a south-
erly and southwesterly direction by and with said
Oxon creek to an Ash tree a bound of that part of Mt.
Welby (Oxon Hill Manor), now called Gregory's Dis-
covery, then leaving said Oxon creek and with
Gregory's Discovery south forty-one degrees fifteen
minutes east six perches; south forty-five degrees fif-
teen minutes east twenty-one perches, then. Leaving,