Harford county,... Thomas H. Robinson.
Howard county,.... John G. Rogers.
Kent county,.... Wm. T. Hepbron.
Queen, Anne's county,.. John B. Brown.
Somerset county,... Levin L. Waters,
Washington county,.. David Seibert.
Wicomico county,... E. Stanley Toadvin.
The following Senators were absent from the seat of
Hon. Pinkney J. Bennett, of Carroll county, and
Hon. John Hubner, of Baltimore county.
The Senate proceeded to a temporary organization.
The Hon. Edward Wootton was called to the Chair,
and having assumed the same, addressed the Senate
The Senators elect were qualified by taking the
oath of office by the President.
When the name of J. Frank Talbott was called to
be sworn in, Mr. Coffin presented the following pro-
test of Samuel R. Bird, against the qualification of J.
Frank Talbott as Senator from Calvert county:
To the Honorable, the
Senate of Maryland:
The undersigned, Samuel R. Bird, of Calvert county,
begs leave to protest against the swearing in and seat-
ing of J. Frank Talbot, of Calvert county, as Senator-
elect from Calvert county, for the session of the Gen-
eral Assembly of 1892, because, he says, that the true
and full returns from all the districts of Calvert
county, at the election held November, 1891, show
that the undersigned, Samuel R. Bird, was duly
elected Senator from said county at said election, and
that the said J. Frank Talbott was not elected, as will
appear by the full returns of said election made to the
Governor of Maryland, a certified copy whereof is
herewith submitted, and the undersigned prays that
the whole matter of the election of Senator from
Calvert county, aforesaid, be referred to the Com-
mittee on Elections of your Honorable Body for
report as to who should be so sworn in and seated as
such Senator. SAMUEL R. BIRD.
Which was read.