submit the question of issuing the same to the qualified
voters of the city of Salisbury, either at the general
election for city officers or at a special election for that
purpose, if the Mayor and Council shall order a special
election, and the Mayor shall give notice of the time
and purpose of the said election, by advertisements in
a newspaper printed in the said city, for two weeks
before the election aforesaid.
"Sec. 6. And be It further enacted, That the ballots
for or against the issuing of said bonds, shall have
printed or written on them the words : "For the Bonds'
or 'Against the Bonds,' and the said ballots shall be
carefully counted by the judges of the said election,
who shall make return thereof to the Clerk of the
Circuit Court for Wicomico county, and if it shall be
found by the said returns that a majority of the said
votes cast are for the said bonds, then the Mayor and
Council may, at their discretion, proceed to buy the said
property and to borrow the said money, but if a ma-
jority of the said votes shall be against the said bonds,
then the Mayor and Council shall not borrow the said
money or buy the said property."
That section 5 be numbered section 7.
Which were concurred in, and bill passed by yeas
and nays, as follows :
Messrs. Austin, Hubner,
Bennett, Moss,
Brown, Pearre,
Coffin, Robinson,
Dawson, Smith,
Evans, Toadvin,
Getty, Waters,
Gorter, Wilkinson,
Hayes, Wirt,
Hepbron, Wootton—20.
Also, returned,
Senare bill entitled an Act to repeal and re-enact
with amendments section 31, of Article 12, of the Code
of Public Local Laws, title "Garrett County," sub-
title "County Commissioners," and to add new sec-
tions thereto.