1892.] OF THE SENATE. 1117
The parties purchasing this charter knew at the
time of purchase,and before the same was consummated
that the price paid for the same was the exact cost of
obtaining the charter and expenses incurred in com-
plying with the terms of said charter up to the time
of transfer, less the interest thereon. I will also sta'te
that not one of the incorporators aided me in obtain-
ing the charter from Congress, and that I got it
through unaided and alone; so far as any of my
associates were concerned, 'to the contrary they did
not aid me at any time. I called on several of the in-
corporators, Messrs. Baughman, Watkins, Henderson
and yourself, and none of them took sufficient interest
in the matter to reply to my many communications
upon the subject.
Yours truly, &c.,
Washignton, D. C., to wit:
I hereby certify, that on this 29th day of March,
1892, before me, a Notary Public of Washington, D. C.,
personally appeared A. B. Cropley, Esq., and made
oath in due form of law, that the matters and things
set forth in the foregoing letter are true as therein
Given under my hand and my Notarial seal, this
29th day of March, 1892.
Notary Public.
Which was read, and referred to the Committee on
Railroads and Canals.
Mr. Brown, from the Committee on Judicial Pro-
ceedings, reported unfavorably,
House bill entitled an Act to repeal section 1, of
Article 80, of the Code of Public General Laws, title
"State Reporter,"
Which was considered, and
On motion by Mr. Moss,
Said bill was substituted for the unfavorable report,
and read the second time.