AN ACT to add an additional section to article
twenty-sixth of the Code of Public General Laws,
as the same was re-enacted by the act of eighteen
hundred and sixty-eight, chapter four hundred and
seventy-one, in relation to the incorporation, under
the General Laws of this State, of corporations
previously formed under the General Laws of this
State, or under any special laws.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the following section be enacted
as an additional section to article twenty-six of the
Code of Public General Laws relating to corpora-
SECTION — . The notice for the assembling of a
meeting of the stockholders of any corporation,
formed under the General Laws of this State, or un-
der any special act, for any purpose for which a cor-
poration may be formed under this article, which is
required to be given by section seventy-four of this
article, in case where it is proposed that such corpor-
ation shall be incorporated under this article, shall
be deemed and taken to have been and to be a cor-
porate act, and a sufficient compliance with all the
requirements of said seventy-fourth section, relating
to said notice, in all cases where the said'notice has
been or may be signed by the persons who were or
may be directors, managers or trustees of such cor-
poration, at the time of signing such notice, or by a
majority of them, provided the said notice contained
or shall contain the particulars directed by said
seventy-fourth section to be specified in said notice,
and shall have been or shall be published and com-
municated to the stockholders of the said corpora-
tion in the manner directed by the said seventy-
fourth section.
SECTION 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
In force.
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 20, 1878.