with power to lay pipes in said district; and pro-
vided also the company hereby incorporated shall,
immediately after laying, repairing or removing
any pipes as aforesaid, and always within two days
after thereto required by the proper authorities of
said district or part thereof, cause to be filled up,
repaired and repaved, at the expense of said com-
pany, every such street, or part of a street, square,
lane, alley, road or highway, as the company may
find it necessary to dig or unpavo for the purpose
of laying, altering, repairing, renewing or remov-
ing any pipe or pipes aforesaid ; and for any ne-
glect or delay in the premises for the space of
forty-eight hours after notice as aforesaid, the
company shall be liable for damages, to be recov-
ered before any justice of the peace for said coun-
ty, in said district, in such amount as the nature
of the case may warrant.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said company,
when duly organized as hereinbefore provided,
shall be entitled to and may have, hold and exer-
To have cer-
tain rights.
cise all the rights and privileges granted to the
Gaslight Company of Baltimore by the second,
third, fourth and fifth sections of the ordinances
of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, en-
titled, " An ordinance to provide more effectually
for lighting the streets, squares, lanes and alleys
of the city of Baltimore," approved June seven-
teenth, eighteen hundred and sixteen, and the act
of the General Assembly of December session,
eighteen and sixteen, chapter two hundred and
fifty-one, so far as the same are not inconsistent
with the provisions of this act ; and the company
hereby incorporated shall be liable to all the du-
ties, restrictions and penalties provided for in said
section of said ordinance and in said Act of As-
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the stock of this
corporation shall be deemed personal estate, and
shall, with all the effects of the company, be liable
for its debts; but the stockholders individually
Stock to be
deemed lper-
sonal prop-
shall not be liable therefor, and the service of any
judicial process on the president or any four of the
directors shall be sufficient service on the company.