SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the president
and directors, or a majority of them, shall have
power to appoint all such officers or agents as
they may deem necessary for the prosecution of
the business of fhe company, and may remove
them at pleasure and determine the compensation
to be allowed them, and shall have power to pass
all by-laws not contrary to this act or the laws of
this State or of the United States of America
which they may deem necessary and proper for
carrying the object of this act into effect, or for a
due exercise of the powers vested in this corpora-
tion, and may from time to time repeal, change
and amend the same ; and should said president
Increase capi-
and directors determine to increase the capital
tal stock.
stock of the said company, as authorized in the
second section of this act, they or a majority of
them shall give the same notice of the time and
place of subscribing such additional stock as pro-
vided in preceding section.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That so soon as the
said company shall be organized by the election
of its directors and president, as hereinbefore pro-
vided, it shall be lawful for the said company, and
Proceed to
it is hereby authorized, to proceed to lay or cause
lay pipes.
to be laid along and under the streets, squares,
lanes, alleys, roads and highways of Baltimore
county, paved or unpaved, within a limit of four
miles from the present northern boundary of the
city of Baltimore, such and as many pipes as may
be necessary to carry the gas from their manufac-
tory, which they are hereby authorized to establish
and carry on within said county, and also to sup-
ply with light any dwelling house or other build-
ing or place whatever belonging to any individual
or individuals or corporation adjacent to any such
street, square, lane, alley, road and highway in and
along which the said pipes shall be so laid, and
the same from time to time to repair, renew or re-
move; provided always that the said company
Not injure
shall not in any manner injure or displace any of
the pipes of
the pipes laid or to be laid for purposes of supply-
ing water to said district of said county, or any of
the pipes then or thereafter laid by any other gas
company incorporated under the laws of this State,