dred and seventy-two, be and the same are hereby
Repealed and
repealed, amended and re-enacted so as to read as
re enacted.
follows :
1. That the Governor, by and with the advice
Governor to
and consent of the Senate, shall biennially appoint
five Inspectors of Tobacco, one for each Tobacco
appoint to-
bacco inspec-
Warehouse in the city of Baltimore.
5. That each inspector shall be entitled to ap-
point a chief clerk, a shipping clerk, a receiving
clerk, and a weighing clerk, and such number of
to appoint
clerks, &c.
screwmen and laborers as shall be necessary for
the economical management of his warehouse ;
the salary of the inspectors to be eighteen hun-
dred dollars per annum, and of the chief clerk
one thousand dollars per annum, and of the ship-
ping, receiving and weighing clerks, each, eight
hundred dollars per annum ; the screwmen shall
be paid two dollars a day, and laborers employed
under this section shall receive one dollar and
fifty cents a day.
13. That it shall be the duty of the inspector to
How in-
confine the sample of each hogshead of tobacco
inspected, by tying them together with a strong
tape, run through the head of said sample in sucn
manner as shall be most likely to prevent the
bundles from separating or being pulled out, and
shall confine on said sample a pasteboard label, on
which shall be written the marks and number of
the hogshead, the date of inspection, the name or
number of the warehouse, and such other remarks
Mark quality.
by the inspector about the quality and condition
of the tobacco as cannot be clearly shown by the
sample, and shall seal said tape and label with
sealing-wax, and shall stamp it with the seal of
the warehouse. Whenever a hogshead of tobacco
is redrawn or reviewed; the sample and label
thereon of the original inspection shall be re-
turned to the inspector, to be by him destroyed ;
and the label on the sample given at the redraw-
ing or reopening of the tobacco shall show that
the hogshead has been reinspected or reviewed.
SEC. 2 Be it enacted, That sections one and five
When effec-
of this act shall take effect on the first Monday of