of the said court ; and shall have power also, by
rules and regulations duly adopted by the said
corporation in such corporate meeting as afore-
said, or by the delegation of said corporation in
such meeting made by its said Board of Directors,
Define duties,
to define the duties, powers and functions of the
powers, &c.
said judge and of the said clerk, and of any other
members or officers of the said " Court of Arbi-
tration " provided for as hereinafter is authorized,
and to determine the jurisdiction of the said
judge, original and appellate, whether sitting
alone or with laymen, members of the said cor-
poration associated with him, and to fix the term
of time for which the said judge and the said
clerk respectively shall be elected, and the terms
and conditions upon which each shall hold or con-
Fix compen-
tinue to hold his office, and the amount and mode
of the compensation of each, not to be diminished,
however, during the currency of a term of office ;
to provide for the appointment of temporary sub-
stitutes for the said judge and the said clerk, or
either, when from any cause this shall be neces-
sary for the prompt administration of the justice
of the court, and also for the appointment of lay
arbitrators as members of the said corporation,
for the hearing and determination of a particular
case, either in the first instance with right to the
Right of ap-
parties, or either of them, to appeal to the said
judge, or as assessors associated with the said
judge when parties so choose, and to define, in
such cases, the powers, duties and authority of
such lay arbitrators or assessors; and also pre-
scribe the forms and modes of application, pro-
cedure, pleading, practice, trial and process in the
said court, in all the necessary details thereof, and
the effect of the awards and judgments or deci-
sions of the said court, as to the finality or con-
clusivcness or otherwise thereof, and the methods
and means of securing compliance therewith by
the parties; and also to regulate the costs and
fees to be paid by the parties to any such contro-
costs, &c.
versy so submitted, and the amount and time and
manner of payment thereof, and the disposition of
such costs and fees ; provided, however, that no
such rule or regulation shall be valid if it shall be
contrary to the General Law of the State, or to .