ever specific class, pertaining to trade, commerce,
navigation, manufactures or mechanic arts, or
business connected with any of these, or contracts
for personal work, labor and service done or ren-
dered, or to be done or rendered, in and about the
pursuit and transactions of trade, commerce, navi-
gation, manufactures or mechanic arts, one or
more of the parties to which controversies is or
are members of the said corporation, in all cases
wherein such controversy is, by the consent, of
all the parties thereto signified by a submission in
writing, referred for adjudication and settlement
to said court.
5. And be it enacted, That in order to the due
Due execu-
and effective execution of the power in the next
tion of power
preceding section granted, the said corporation
shall have the further power, either directly in
corporate meeting, whether the regular annual
meeting or a special meeting called for the pur-
pose by reasonable notice to all the members of
the time, place and object thereof, by advertise-
ment in one or more of the daily newspapers of
the city of Baltimore, or else by delegation, in
such meeting, by rule or otherwise, made through
the officers and directors, constituting the Board
of Directors or management of said corporation,
in either case by the concurring votes of a ma-
jority of the members of said corporation or
Board of Directors, as the case shall be, present
at such meeting of the one or the other for the
purpose — provided there be then and there a quo-
rum present, as constituted by the constitution,
articles of association or by-laws of the said cor-
poration or Board of Directors — from time to time
to elect from among those persons who have been,
or before any such election shall have been, ad
mitted to practice law in this State, one learned in
the law and possessing such other qualifications
as the said corporation shall, by rule or regu-
lation, as hereinafter empowered, prescribe, whe-
ther such person be a member of said corporation
or not, unless otherwise provided by such rule or
regulation, as Judge of the said " Court of Arbi-
Elect judge.
tration," and also to elect in like manner, or to
provide for the election or appointment of a clerk