AN ACT to repeal section one hundred and forty
of article nine of the Public Local Laws relating
to Charles county, title " Sheriffs," and to re-
enact the same with amendments, and to add
an additional section thereto, to be known as
sub-section one.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That section one hundred and forty
Repealed and
of article nine of the Public Local Laws relating
to Charles county, title " Sheriffs," be and the
same is hereby repealed and re-enacted to read
as follows :
SEC. 140. Be it enacted by the General Assembly,
That the Sheriff of Charles county shall receive
tion per head.
for the keeping of prisoners committed to his cus-
tody, and for their victuals, the sum of thirty
cents per head per day, and the County Commis-
sioners for Charles county shall in no case allow a
greater compensation.
SUB-SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly,
That the Sheriff of Charles county may be al-
lowed, for the removal of a convict to the peniten-
for removal of
tiary, the sum of thirty dollars, and for every ad-
ditional prisoner convicted at the same term of
court, and sentenced to the penitentiary, he may
be allowed a sum not exceeding ten dollars per
head, and said compensation shall include all ex-
penses incident to the removal of said convict or
convicts, nothing herein contained to interfere
with any order of the court requiring the Sheriff
to remove a prisoner at any other time.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted by the General Assembly
When effec-
of Maryland, That this act shall take effect from
and after the fourth day of November, eighteen
hundred and seventy-nine.
Approved April 5, 1878.