and on failure to make such payments, they may
impose uniform fines upon the delinquent stockhold-
ers of not more than five cents per share for each
and every such neglect to pay, and collect said pay-
ments and fines by suit or sale of stock at public
auction after due notice, and transfer the stock so
sold to the purchaser, as the board of directors may
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the board of di-
Power to in-
rectors shall have power to increase the capital stock
crease capital
of said bank to the amount of one hundred thousand
dollars, or any part thereof, in shares of fifty dollars
each, and receive subscriptions therefor at any time;
and such additional stock shall be subject to all the
liabilities, rights, immunities and privileges of the
May declare
original stock ; the board of directors may declare
dividends upon said capital stock, upon an equitable
and uniform basis of calculation of profits, as to the
time of payment of instalments on said stock, pro-
vided said dividends do not reduce the surplus of
profits of said bank below five per cent, on the amount
of capital actually paid in.
SEC. 6. And le it enacted, That whenever any
Deposits by
deposit shall be made by a minor the board of di-
minors or
married wo-
rectors may, at their discretion, pay to such depositor
such sum or sums as may be due him or her, and the
check, receipt or acquittance of such minor shall be
valid ; and that the deposits of married women shall
be received, held and paid out on the same terms and
conditions as those of other adult persons, any law
or statute of this State to the contrary notwith-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the stockholders
of said bank shall be liable to the amount of their
respective share or shares of stock in said bank for
all its indebtedness and liabilities upon notes, bills
or otherwise ; the books, papers and accounts of said
bank shall be open to inspection under such regu-
lations as may be prescribed by law.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the principal office
of the said bank shall be located in the town of
Havre-de-Grace, in Harford county.