said corporation shall exceed the Bum of twenty dol-
lars. And the said burgess and commissioners are
empowered to erect a lock-up for the temporary cus-
tody of prisoners on the way to the county jail,
to erect a lock-
and for the confinement of persons arrested for vio-
lating any town ordinance, or for the non-payment
of any fine imposed under the provisions of this
charter, or for the confinement of persons committed
by justices of the peace of the said town or vicinity,
either for further hearing or until such person or
persons can be conveyed to the county jail.
162. Any person may take up and impound any
livestock or geese found going at large in said town,
and the owner shall pay, on reclaiming the same,
Any person
may impound
stock and
the sum of twenty-five cents for each head of live-
stock, and five cents for each goose, for every twen-
ty-four hours the same may have been impounded ;
provided, that when any geese or lire stock are im-
pounded they shall be advertised by notices set up
at two of the most public places within said town.
by notices.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
In force.
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 5, 1878.
AN ACT to regulate the fishing with seine and to
provide for the protection of fish in the waters of
Gunpowder, Middle and Back rivers and their
tributary streams, except Bird river.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That it shall not be lawful for any
person or persons to fish in the waters of Gunpowder
Not lawful to
river, Middle river or Back river or their tributary
fish within
streams, except Bird river, or in the waters of the
one mile of
Chesapeake Bay within one mile of the entrance of
said rivers into the same, situated in Baltimore