under the direction of the corporation shall be al-
lowed by the owner and deducted from the rent then
due or to become due.
156. If any tenant, or person having the care of
Shall refuse
any house, lot or part of a lot, shall refuse or neglect
to level.
to level, pave or mend the foot-way or street in front
of the same, according to the directions of the cor-
poration, the said burgess and commissioners may
May levy.
contract to have the same done, and may levy the
same, with the costs, by way of distress on such
157. The said burgess and commissioners shall
from time to time make such by-laws and ordinances
Make by-laws
and ordinan-
as they may deem expedient for the comfort, health
and convenience of said town, the prevention and
abatement of nuisances, preservation of order and
suppression of vice and immorality.
May levy a
158. They may levy a tax on the property within
the town to such amount as may from time to time
Appoint col-
be deemed necessary, and may appoint a collector to
collect the same, and prescribe his term of office, re-
sponsibility and compensation, and the said collector
Power to dis-
shall have the same power to distrain for the taxes
so levied as the collectors of county taxes have, and
shall collect and pay the same tb the burgess and
Burgess shall
159. The burgess shall be treasurer of the cor-
b e treasurer
and give bond
poration, and shall give bond to the corporation,
with security to be approved by the commissioners,
or a majority of them, in such penalty as they shall
prescribe, conditioned for the faithful performance
of his duty as treasurer, and he shall receive and
pay away money according to the ordinances of the
160. The said corporation shall not at any time
Shall not
issue any note
issue any note, certificate or other device to be cir-
culated as currency.
161. All fines and forfeitures imposed by the or-
Fines recov-
dinances of the corporation shall be recoverable be-
fore the burgess or any justice of the peace, but no
fine or forfeiture imposed under any ordinance of