things as their convenience may require ; and for the
purpose of paying for said site, court house and jail,
and their furniture, the said County Commissioners
are hereby authorized to levy on the taxable property
to levy.
of said county a sum of money not to exceed eighteen
cents in the one hundred dollars, in one year, as fol-
lows : in the year of eighteen hundred and seventy-
four, eighteen cents in the one hundred dollars ; in
eighteen hundred and seventy-five, eighteen cents in
the one hundred dollars ; in eighteen hundred and
seventy-six, eighteen cents in the one hundred dol-
lars ; in eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, eighteen
cents in the one hundred dollars ; and in the year of
eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, such a sum as
may be necessary to complete the erection of the
court house, offices and jail, and the furnishing of
Not to ex-
the same ; the said last mentioned levy not to exceed
eighteen cents in the one hundred dollars, and the
aggregate amount not to exceed the sum of forty
thousand dollars.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said commission-
Open an ac-
ers shall open an account, in which said levy shall
be kept separate, and styled the court house fund,
and the money levied and collected for the year of
eighteen hundred and seventy-four shall be applied
to paying for the site, and that levied and collected
for eighteen hundred and seventy-five, to the erection
of the jail, and that levied and collected for the year
of eighteen hundred and seventy-six, seventy-seven.
and seventy-eight, to the erection of the court house
and offices, and to the furnishing of the same, and to
Payment in
the payment in full of all expenses incurred in and
about the premises ; provided, that the County Com-
missioners shall not lease any portion of said site
selected for any purpose whatsoever.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said
County Commissioners are authorized, should they
deem it necessary, to employ a capable architect, at
a reasonable compensation, to prepare plans and
specifications for said court house and jail, and to
superintend the building of the same under their
On comple-
general supervision, and on the completion and fur-
nishing of the court house and jail, the said County
Commissioners shall, on or before the first day of