below grade upon such terms and conditions as may
be agreed upon by the two companies, and jn case
they cannot agree then the said Baltimore and Delta
Railroad Company may condemn a way across said
other railroad in the manner and upon the conditions
hereinabove provided for the condemnation of a way
over real estate ; provided that nothing herein con-
tained shall be taken to restrain the implied powers
of said Baltimore and Delta Railroad Company.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That said railway
company may demand and receive for the transpor-
tation of passengers on said road not exceeding five
cents per mile, and for the transportation of property
not exceeding fifteen cents per ton per mile, when
the same is transported a distance of thirty miles or
more ; and in case the same is transported for a less
distance than thirty miles, twenty cents per ton may
be charged, unless otherwise provided by law.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted. That the said railway
company shall have power to borrow money on the
credit of the corporation to an amount not exceed-
money on
ing its authorized capital stock at a rate of interest
to be agreed upon by the respective parties, the in-
terest thereon to be paid semi-annually, and to issue
bonds therefor in Bums not less than fifty dollars
each, and to secure the payment of said bonds and
their interest by executing and delivering to such trus-
tee or trustees as they may select a mortgage or mort-
gages of all or any part of the road, property, rights,
liberties and franchises of said railway company.
And the said railroad company shall be empowered
to issue for an amount not exceeding in the aggre-
gate two hundred thousand dollars negotiable promis-
sory notes bearing its corporate seal and signed by
its president and countersigned by its secretary, and
to pledge its bonds for the payment of said notes ;
provided that the whole amount borrowed upon said
notes and other securities shall not exceed the au-
thorized capital stock of said company hereinbefore
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That said railway com-
pany may at any time, by means of subscription to
the capital stock of any other company or otherwise,
as the board of directors may determine, aid such