crossing the Potomac Wharf Branch of the Cumber-
land and Pennsylvania Railroad with the branch
Have the
same rights.
road aforesaid, said Pennsylvania Railroad Company
shall have the same rights and be subject to. the same
conditions, regulations and limitations as are herein
provided for the crossing of said Potomac Wharf
Branch by the main line of said Pennsylvania Rail-
road Company ; and provided, also, that any crossing
at grade, herein provided for, the trains of the Cum-
Shall have
berland and Pennsylvania Railroad shall have
precedence of the trains of the said Pennsylvania.
Railroad in crossing.
SEC. 2. And be ii enacted, That before said cross-
ings shall be made, the president or other authorized
agent of said Pennsylvania Railroad Company shall
First give
first give ten days' notice in writing to the president
or agent, resident in Cumberland, of the Cumberland
and Pennsylvania Railroad Company, that it, the
said Pennsylvania Railroad Company, proposes to
make said crossings, and specifying in said notice
whether the said crossing of the Potomac Wharf
Branch aforesaid will be made at or above grade,
and also at which of the points above named in said
branch it proposes to cross, and also stating the com-
pensation which said company is willing to pay for
the easement of such crossings ; and if said Cumber-
land and Pennsylvania Railroad Company, having
Refuse the
been notified as aforesaid, shall refuse the terms of,
or neglect to reply to said notification, and shall pro-
pose no other arrangement upon which both parties
shall agree, then, after the expiration of said tea
days, and the failure to agree as aforesaid, the said
Pennsylvania Railroad Company in Maryland shall
have full power to condemn the easement of such
crossings, in the same mode prescribed for the con-
Power to con-
demnation of the land of individuals by the act of
eighteen hundred and seventy-six, of the General
Laws of Maryland, chapter two hundred and forty-
two, section eleven.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said Pennsylvania
Right to cross
Railroad Company shall have the right to cross the
track or tracks of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Company at one point, either at grade or above
grade, and in the exercise of such right shall be sub-