description; and provided, also, that after crossing the
Cumberland and Pennsylvania Railroad immediately
west of the west-end of " the Narrows," the said
Pennnsylvania Railroad shall at that point cross to
the west side of Wills Creek, and proceeding on a
line on the west side of said creek, shall not re-cross
said creek before reaching a point at least four hun-
dred feet southeast of the National road bridge over
said creek, and shall cross the Potomac Wharf
Branch of the Cumberland and Pennsylvania Rail-
road at the point where said branch intersects the
said national road; and provided, also, that after
re-crossing Wills Creek at the point above named,
the line of the said Pennsylvania Railroad shall at
no point infringe upon the line of condemnation or
At no point
right of way of the Cumberland and Pennsylvania
Railroad, excepting at the point where it crosses the
Potomac Wharf Branch of said road at its intersec-
tion with the said national road ; and provided, also,
that said Pennsylvania Railroad after crossing Wills
Creek west of the west-end of " The Narrows," shall
have the option instead of recrossing said creek at a
Have the
point not less than four hundred feet southeast of the
national road bridge, as above provided for, of re-
maining on the weat side of said creek, and crossing the
PotomacWharf Branch of the Cumberland and Penn-
sylvania Railroad at any point on the west side of
Wills Creek, either above or at grade, as may be found
most convenient and practicable ; and the choice of
either route hereinabove provided for shall be final;
Shall be final
and provided, also, that if said Pennsylvania Rail-
road Company shall elect to construct its railroad
upon that line hereinbefore described, which pro-
vides for its recrossing Wills Creek from the west
side thereof at a point not less than four hundred
feet southeast of the National Road Bridge ; then,
and in that event, said Pennsylvania Railroad Com-
pany shall construct and is hereby required to con-
struct from its main line aforesaid, a branch line on
Branch line.
the east or west side of Wills Creek to a point on the
basins of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal at Cum-
berland, or in lieu thereof, said company may con-
tract with any existing railroad company leading to
said basin or basins for the transportation of its cars
thereto ; said contract to be for a period of ninety-
nine years, and renewable for a like period ; and in