27. Garrett county is divided into nine election
Election dis-
districts according to their present bounds and limits,
and elections for public officers shall be held in each
of said districts at the places hereintofore established
by law.
28. The judges and clerks of election in said
Judges and
clerks of elec-
county shall each receive two dollars per day for
tion per diem.
each election and making returns thereof.
29. The provisions of article thirty-six of the Code
of Public General Laws of this State and the amend-
Pro visions of
ments thereto made by the act of General Assembly,
passed at its session of eighteen hundred and seven-
ty-four, chapter three hundred and fifteen, are hereby
declared to be applicable to and in force in Garrett
county, except where inconsistent with the provisions
of this article.
30. All fields and other grounds kept for enclos-
Shall be
ure in Garrett county, shall be fenced with post and
rail, or plank or worm fences, made of good and sub-
stantial rails, at least four feet high from the ground
to the top of the upper rail, and all worm fences not
staked and ridered, shall be at least five feet high to
the top of the upper rail, and the first or under rail
in post and rail, or plank, or worm fences, shall not
exceed five inches from the ground or embankment
on which the same is or may be built, and the width
between the rails or planks comprising the fence,
shall be such as is usual in the construction of good
post and rail, plank or worm fences, and all brush
fences made upon the ground, to be at least four feet
high, and all brush fences made upon an embank-
ment to be at least three feet high, provided the em-
bankment be eighteen inches high ; and provided
that nothing contained in this act shall be so construed
as to extend to other than, outside fence or fences be-
tween proprietors ; and if any live stock of any kind or
description whatever, shall break into any person's en-