Not lawful.
SEC. 2. It shall not be lawful for any person to
kill or destroy any pheasant between the first day of
January and the fifteenth day of August, snare or in
any way entrap any pheasant at any season of the
year whatsoever, under the penalty of five dollars
for each and every pheasant so killed, taken or de-
Not lawful.
SEC. 3. It shall not be lawful for any person to
kill or destroy any partridge between the first day
of January and the first day of November, under the
penalty of five dollars for each and every partridge
so killed, taken or destroyed.
4. No person shall, at any season of the year, wil-
fully destroy the eggs or nests of any of the birds
above named, under the penalty of two dollars for
each and every offence.
Evidence to
5. The possession, by any person in the county, of
any of the birds above named, shot, killed or in any-
wise destroyed, shall be prima facia evidence to con-
vict the person having such possession of having done
such shooting, killing or destroying.
Not lawful.
6. It shall not be lawful for any person to kill or
take any wild turkey by means of any blind, trap,
snare, net, or device whatsoever, between the first
day of January and the fifteenth day of September
in each year, under a penalty of five dollars for each
and every wild turkey so killed, taken or destroyed.
7. The fines, hereinbefore provided for, shall be
Fines recov-
recoverable in the name of the State, before any jus-
tice of the peace, one half for the benefit of the in-
former, and one half for the benefit of the county
school fund, and said justice imposing such fines
Power to
shall have power to commit to the county jail for the
space of ten days, any person convicted under the
preceding sections and refusing to pay such fine;
provided, however, any defendant thinking himself
May appeal.
aggrieved by the decision of said justice, may appeal
to the Circuit Court of said county, and have said
charge tried before a jury.
Duty of
constable and
8. It shall be the duty of the constable and bailiffs
of the several election districts of the county to ar-