State, and so certified by him and delivered to the
Insurance Commissioner ; and before any such com-
pany shall begin to do any business, the Insurance
Commissioner shall examine the officers of said com-
Shall exam-
ine officers
pany under oath, to ascertain whether the capital
under oath
required of the company named in the charter, ac-
cording to the nature of the business proposed to be
transacted by such company, to an amount of not less
$100,000 has
than one hundred thousand dollars, has been paid
been paid.
in money, and is held by the Board of Directors sub-
ject to their actual control, according to the provi-
sions of the charter of said company, or has been by
them invested in securities negotiable and worth in
the market not less than the sum of one hundred
thousand dollars ; or if a mutual company, that it
has received and is in actual possession of the prom-
Bona fide
ises or bona fide engagements of insurance or other
securities, as the case may be, to the full extent and
of the value required by law; and the name and
residence of the maker of each premium note forming
part of the capital or assets, and the amount of such .
note, shall be reported to the Insurance Commissioner ;
Officers shall
and the officers or corporators of such company shall
certify under
be required to certify under oath that the capital ex-
hibited to the Insurance Commissioner is bona fide
property of the company, which certificate shall be
filed in the office of the Insurance Commissioner;
Officer swear-
and any officer swearing falsely in regard to the pro-
ing lalsely.
visions of this section, shall be deemed guilty of per-
jury, and shall be subject to the penalty or penalties
prescribed for such offences by the laws of this State.
Not be lawful.
30. It shall not be lawful for any insurance com-
pany, association, partnership or corporation, organ-
ized under the laws of any other State of the United
States, or by the Government of the United States,
or any foreign government, directly or indirectly, to
take risks or transact any business of insurance,
whether life, fire, marine or inland or other insur-
Fully organ-
ance risks in this State, unless it be fully organized
and possessed of the amount of actual capital re-
quired of similar companies formed under the laws
of this State, or until the following conditions have
been fully complied with : There must be filed with
the Insurance Commissioner, first, a copy of its char-
ter, declaration of organization or deed of settlement,
duly approved and certified by the Secretary of State,