by the Attorney General, or such other attorney as
the Attorney General may select, for any violation
of the provisions of this act.
Tenth. The Insurance Commissioner shall pre-
Shall pre-
serve in permanent form a full record of his pro-
serve a full
ceedings, and a concise statement of the condition
record of pro-
of each company visited or examined, and report an-
nually to the Governor on or before the first day of
Report an-
June his official acts ; and shall, on the first day of
December, annually, report to the Comptroller the
Report fees
fees received, and expenses of his department for the
and expenses
to Comptrol-
year then to end, and pay into the Treasury all ex-
cess of receipts over disbursements ; and in his re-
port to the Governor he shall report the condition of
Report con-
dition of com-
the companies doing business in this State, and such
other information as will exhibit the affairs of his
department; a copy of which said report to the
Governor he shall forward to the Insurance Com-
Shall for-
missioner or other similar officer of every other
ward report
State of the United States, and to each company do-
to similar offi-
ing business in this State ; and, on request, he shall
cer in other
States and to
communicate to the Insurance Commissioner, or oth-
each compa'y.
er proper officer, of any other State, any facts which
by law it is his duty to ascertain respecting com-
cate facts.
panies of this State doing business within such other
State ; and at the request of any person, and on pay-
ment of the proper fee as hereinafter provided, he
shall give certified copies of any record or paper
Give certi-
in his office, when he deems it not prejudicial to pub-
lic interest so to do ; and he shall give such other cer-
fied copies for
pioper fees.
tificates as this act provides for ; and he shall adopt
and renew, from time to tune, when necessary, with
the approval of the Governor, a seal of office, an im-
Seal of office.
pression and description of which, with the Gover-
nor's certificate of approval, shall be filed with the
Secretary of State.
29. No declaration of organization or charter of
Chapter not
an insurance company formed under any general
operative un-
law of this State, and no alteration or amendment
til submitted
thereof shall be operative until it has been submit-
to Attorney-
ted to the Attorney General for examination, and
found by him to be in accordance with the provi-
sions of this act and of such general law, and not
inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this