AN ACT to repeal section one hundred and twenty-
five of article ten of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title " Dorchester County," as enacted by the act
passed at January session, eighteen hundred and
seventy, chapter three hundred and seventeen, re-
lating to Justices of the Peace and Constables,
and to re-enact the same with amendments.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the act passed at January ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and seventy, chapter three
hundred and seventeen, adding a section to article
Repealed and
ten, Code of Public Local Laws, entitled " Dorches-
ter County," sub-title "Justices of the Peace and
Constables," be and the same is hereby repealed and
re-enacted so as to read as follows :
125. Every summons issued by any justice of the
Summons is-
peace in and for Dorchester county, when the plain-
sued shall be
tiff is a resident of said county, shall be made re-
turnable before the same or any justice of the peace
of the district in which the defendant may reside,
and the defendant shall have his election at the time
the summons is served on him or within five days
shall have
thereafter, to have the same returned to and his
cause tried before any justice of the peace in which
he, the said defendant, may reside ; provided, how-
ever, that on the return day of the writ, if either
party shall make affidavit before such justice that he
Return clay
of writ.
believes he cannot have an impartial trial before
such justice, then the said justice shall transmit all
Shall trans-
the papers in the case to some third justice of the
mitall papers
peace, if there be one, in the same district, and if
there be none, then to some justice of the peace in an
adjoining district, who shall fix some reasonable day
and proceed to trial as if the suit had originated
Proceed to
with him ; and provided that the defendant shall at
the time he elects to have the writ returned to a jus-
tice other than him who issued it, and the party
making such affidavit for removal shall at the time
thereof pay to the constable or justice all costs in-
Pay all costs
curred to such time, which costs shall be taxed on