six and sub-section one, of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Washington county, entitled " Smithsburg,"
enacted by the General Assembly at the January
Repealed and
session, eighteen hundred and seventy, chapter one
hundred and seventy-six, be and the same are here-
by repealed and re-enacted to read as follows :
296. The limits of said town for all purposes shall
Limits of
be as follows: Beginning on "Meisner's Hill," on
the public road leading from Smithsburg to Leiters-
burg, at a point on the west side of said road, the
same being the north-east corner of the lot of ground
conveyed by Samuel Meisner to Edward Clark, and
the eastern terminus of the line dividing said lot of
ground from the land recently purchased by said
Clark from Henry W. Lyday, and running thence
south seventy-three and one-half degrees, east one
hundred and eighteen and one-half perches, south
eighteen and one-half degrees, east twenty-one and
sixty-four hundredths perches, south sixteen and
three-quarters degrees, east fifty-six and twelve hun-
dredths perches, south sixty-two degrees, west eigh-
ty-seven and sixteen hundredth perches, north seven-
ty-two and one-half degrees, west fifty one and
twenty eight hundredth perches, north thirty-eight
and three quarters degrees, west thirty-three and
four-tenths perches, north twenty-five degrees, west
sixteen and sixty-eight hundredths perches, north
two and one-half degrees, east seventy-nine and one-
half perches, north forty-eight and three-quarters de-
grees, east eighteen and four hundredths perches to
place of beginning.
SUB-SEC. 1. The burgess and commissioners of said
town shall have power to pass any and all ordinances
Power to pass
necessary to open, grade, macadamize, pave, gravel
of durances.
or otherwise improve any street, lane or alley in said
town, or open and improve any proposed street, lane
or alley, and construct water ways, sewers, &c.,
through any portion of said corporate limits, and
the said burgess and commissioners may levy an ad-
Burgess and
valorem tax for the damages and expenses incurred
in making said improvements, and the said tax shall
ers may levy.
be collected by the town collector in the same manner
and by the same means as other town taxes.