pay the sum of one thousand dollars to the First
English Lutheran Church of Baltimore, to be applied
to such benevolent purposes as the council of said
church shall deem proper; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the sanction of the General As-
sembly of Maryland be and the same is hereby given
to the devise and bequest of Frederick Seyler, de-
ceased, in and by his last will and testament, of re-
cord in the office of Register of Wills of the city of
Baltimore, in Wills Liber N. H., number twenty-
Bequest sanc-
seven, folio four hundred and twenty-eight, of one
thousand dollars, to be paid on the decease of his
wife Catherine, to the First English Lutheran Church
of Baltimore, to be applied to such benevolent pur-
poses as the council of said church shall deem proper.
Approved March 20, 1878.
AN ACT to authorize and direct the County Com-
missioners of Allegany county to investigate the
claim of John Welsh, of said county, for taxes
paid in error, and to levy and refund to him such
sum, as in their discretion they may find to be just-
ly due him.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Commissioners of Allegany
county, be, and are hereby authorized and directed to
investigate, as soon as practicable, the claim of John
ers directed
to investigate
claim of John
Welsh against said county, for taxes paid in error,
or excessive taxes paid by him to said county upon
his property therein prior to the late assessment, and
Levy and re-
to levy and refund to him such sum, as in their dis-
cretion, he has paid as taxes on his property in said
county, over and above the amount which he would
have been required to pay upon a fair and equitable