SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the commission-
Assess dam-
ers hereinbefore named shall have power to assess
ages and ben-
all damages sustained by and benefits accruing to
any one, all parties through whose property said
street shall pass, and provide for the payment by
said city of such proportion of said damages and
costs as they may deem proper.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if any party inter-
ested shall be dissatisfied with the report of said com-
missioners in their assessment of either damages or
May appeal.
benefits, such party may appeal therefrom to the
Circuit Court of Allegany county at any time with-
in thirty days after said commissioners shall have re-
ported their proceedings to the Mayor and City
Council of Cumberland ; and if no such appeal shall
be taken within said time, the said proceedings of
said commissioners shall be final, and their report
shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit
Court of Allegany county, and such appeal shall
be taken it shall stand for trial at the next term of
the Circuit Court of Allegany county, and shall be
Tried by jury
tried by a jury, if any party thereto shall desire,
and the report of said commissioners shall be final,
except as the same may be charged by the finding
of the jury or court (as the case may be), upon any
such appeal or appeals.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That in all cases where
land now fronts on said street as at present located,
and whereby the change of location herein provided
for said street shall be moved away from such land,
leaving a portion of the old bed of said street, be-
tween said land and the new bed of said street, said
Vest in fee.
portion of the old bed of said street shall vest in fee
simple in the owner of the land so fronting on the
old street, the intention of this act being to bring
Frontage of
forward to the new line of said street the frontage
of all lots fronting on the old line of said street, and
said commissioners in assessing damages and benefits
to such land owner shall take into consideration such
acquisition of property.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That said commis-
Extend Green
sioners shall lay out and extend Green street from
its present eastern terminus eastwardly until the