AN ACT to give and declare the sanction and con-
sent of the General Assembly of Maryland to the
gift of a piece or parcel of land by Alfred C.
Nowland, of New Castle, Delaware, to the Yestry
of St. Stephen's Church, North Sassafras Parish,
in Cecil county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the sanction and consent of the
Gift sanction-
General Assembly of Maryland be and the same is
hereby given and declared to the gift of a piece or
parcel of land containing about one-fourth of an
acre, situated in the town of Cecilton, county of
Cecil, State of Maryland, by Alfred C. Nowland, of
New Castle, Delaware, to the Yestry of St. Stephen's
Church, North Sassafras Parish, in Cecil county,
State of Maryland.
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 20, 1878.
AN ACT regulating fences in Meekin's Neck, on
Hooper's Island, district number six, Dorchester
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That all fields and other ground in
Meekin's Neck, in the upper part of Hooper's Is-
land, or district number six, of Dorchester county,
between the two ferries known as Fishing Creek
Ferry, on the south, and Gradds Ferry, or bridge, on.
Shall be
the north, shall be fenced with posts and rails, logs,
planks or worm fences well staked and ridered, and