[See image for text]
The Speaker presented a petition from Robert
Senaca, Dr. D. W. Hopkins and 270 others, praying
the passage of an Act to prevent the digging of brick
moulding sand within the limits of the city of Havre
de Grace, in Harford county.
Which was read and referred to the Harford County
Mr. Godwin presented a petition from John L.
Rhodes and 236 others, against any further vote on
the question of local option in the 5th Election Dis-
trict of Queen Anne's county.
Which was read, and referred to the Queen Anne's
County Delegation.
Mr. W alien presented a petition from Charles W.
Kibler and 77 other citizens of Queen Anne's county,
for an Act to allow the County Commissioners or any
private citizen or corporate body to build wharves for
public use at any of the public landings on Chester
river or its tributaries with the limits of Queen Anne's
county, and in duty bound we will ever pray, &c.
Which was read, and referred tothe Queen Anne's
County Delegation.
Mr. Berret presented a petition of Wm. P. Gorsuch,
Jr., Albert A. Dorsey and 186 others, voters of Free-
dom District, Carroll county, in favor of a bill to re-
submit to the voters of said district the question at
the next general election relating to the sale of spir-
ituous or fermented liquors therein, under the high
license law.
Which was read and referred to the Carroll County