Allegany county.—James A. Buckey, Alien Barber,
Daniel Young, Jos. B. Stottlemeyer, Geo. Hoskens, Sr.
Carroll county,—Robert Sellman, Evan Haines,
Edward W. Leeds, James G. Berret.
Howard county.—John S. Tracey, Louis P. Haslup.
Wicomico county.— James E. Ellegood, William S.
Moore, William L. Laws.
Garrett county.—George L. Michaels, Thomas H.
Mr. Laird submitted the following oroer:
Ordered, That Carlton Shafer, of Frederick county,
be declared Chief: Clerk of the House of Delegates;
Walter R.. Townsend, of Baltimore county, Reading
Clerk; William S. Merrick, of Talbot county. Journal
Clerk, and Charles J. Philbin, of Baltimore city,
Engrossing Clerk.
Which was read and adopted. .
Messrs. Carlton Shafer, Walter R. Townsend, Wm.
S. Merrick and Charles J. Philbin, officers elect,
severally appeared, qualified, and entered upon the
discharge of their respective duties.
The Secretary of the Senate appeared and delivered
the following message:
January 6th, 1892.
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates :
The Senate has organized by the election of Hon.
Edward Lloyd, as President, and the appointment of
W. G. Purnell, as Secretary. We are now ready to
proceed with the business of the Session, and propose,
with the concurrence of your Honorable Body, the
appointment of a joint committee, composed, of two
on the part of the Senate, and three on the part of the
House, to wait on the Governor and inform him that
the Legislature is prepared to receive any communi-
cation he may be pleased to make.
We have appointed on the part of the Senate, Messrs.
Toadvin and Coffin.
By order,
Which was read. Secretary.