House bill entitled an Act to appropriate a sum of
money foi the support of the Co operative Workers
of Baltimore city.
Was read a third time, and passed by yeas and nays,
as follows:
AFFIRMATIVE —Messrs. Garner, Strong, Brashears,
Donaldson, Hutchins, Sappington, of Anne Arundel,
Lane, Maddox, Orrick, Cole, Elliott, Hamilton, Jr.,
Monmonier, Schlaffer, Collins, Wooters, Leonard,
Sterling, Smith, of Dorchester, Beeks, Grove, of
Cecil, Bowie, of Prince George's, Hill, Bryan, Hay-
man, McSherry, Grove, of Frederick, Bevard, Hay-
ward, Steams, Johnson, Thompson, Fitzgerald, Fox,
Carter, Field, Sams, Sanders, Carr. Joyce, Smith, of
Washington, Shafer, Griffith, Buckey, Young, Hos-
ken. Sr , Stottlemyer, Sellman, Berret, Tracey, Has-
lup, Ellegood, Laws, Moore, Michaels—56.
NEGATIVE—Mr. Haines—1.
Said bill was then sent to the Senate.
House bill entitled an Act to appropriate a sum of
money to pay to the Treasurer of the State Board
of Education the amount of sundry bills paid by him
for repairs to the State Normal School building.
Was read a third time, and passed by yeas and
nays, as follows:
AFFIRMATIVE.—Messrs Garner, Strong, Brashears,
Donaldson, Hutchins, Sappington, of Anne Arundel,
Lane, Maddox, Orrick Cole, Elliott, Hamilton, Jr.,
Monmonier, Schlaffer, Collins, Wooters, Leonard,
Sterling, Smith, of Dorchester, Beeks, Grove, of
Cecil, Bowie, of Prince George's, Hill, Bryan, Hay-
man, McSherry, Gaver, Grove, of Frederick, Bevard,
Hayward, Stearns, Johnson, Thompson, Fitzgerald,
Fox, Carter, Field, Gill, Sams, Sanders, Carr, Joyce,
Shafer, Laird, Griffith, Buckey, Young, Hosken, Sr.,
Stottlemyer, Haines, Sellman, Berret, Tracey, Haslup,
Laws, Moore, Michaels—57.
Said bill was then sent to the Senate.
Senate bill entitled an Act to add a new section to
the Code of Public General Laws, title "Crimes and
Punishments," sub-title "False Pretenses."