On motion of Mr. Brennan,
House bill (known as the Weekly Pay Bill), was
made the Order of the Day for March 8th, at 12.30
P. M.
On motion of Mr. Carter,
House bill (No. 40) entitled an Act to prohibit any
corporation from acting as trustees, executors, admin-
istrators, &c.
Was considered, and made the Order of the Day for
Thursday, March 10th, at 12.30 P. M.
Mr. Sams moved to suspend the rules in order to
put on its third reading and final passage
House bill entitled an Act to declare the sanction of
the General Assembly of Maryland to certain bequests
contained in the last will and testament and in the
codicils thereto of Susanna Warfield, deceased.
The rules were suspended (two-thirds of all the
members elect) voting in the affirmative, by yeas
and nays, as follows ;
AFFIRMATIVE.—Messrs. Speaker, Combs, Strong,
Wilson, Brashears, Donaldson, Hutchins, Sapping-
ton, of Anne Arundel, Ireland, Lane, Carrico, Orrick,
Cole, Elliott, Hamilton, Jr., Schlaffer, Collins,
Wooters, Leonard, Green, Anderson, Sterling, Smith,
of Dorchester, Miles, Kirk, Grove, of Cecil, Bowie, of
Prince George's, Hill, Perrie, Godwin, Franklin,
Wilkinson, Hayman, McSherry, Gaver, Stearns, John-
son, Carter, Field, Gill, Sams, Sanders, Frincke, Carr,
Cornthwaite, Joyce, Fockler, Shafer, Garrott, Laird,
Barber, Young, Stottlemyer, Haines, Sellman, Berret,
Leeds, Haslup, Ellegood, Laws. Moore, Bittinger—62.
Said bill, entitled an Act to declare the sanction of
the General Assembly of Maryland to certain bequests
contained in the last will and testament, and in
codicils thereto of Susanna Warfield, deceased.
Was read a third time and passed by yeas and nays,
as follows:
AFFIRMATIVE—Messrs. Speaker, Combs, Strong,
Wilson, Brashears, Donaldson, Hutchins, Sapping-
ton, of Anne Arundel, Ireland, Lane, Carrico, Orrick,