sub-title "Wilford," and in Article 17, of the Code
of Public Local Laws, title "Prince George's County,"
sub-title "Wilford," and to re-enact and add new
sections to said Article.
House bill entitled an Act to appropriate a sum of
money to pay the claim of the Schultz Gas Fixture
and Art Metal Company of Baltimore city.
House bill entitled an Act to ratify, confirm and
make valid the acts and proceedings of the Directors
of the Union Bridge Water Company, in Carroll
county, in borrowing money to fully complete the
water works of said county.
House bill entitled an Act requiring the County
Commissioners of Baltimore county to grade, curb and
macadamize Eastern avenue at Highlandtown, in said
House bill entitled an Act to amend section 27, of
Article 65, of the Code of Public General Laws, title-
House bill entitled an Act to amend section 3,
of chapter 485, of the Acts of 1882, and to re enact
the same with amendments,
House bill entitled an Act to carry into effect sec-
tion 1, of Article 7, of the Constitution of this State,
so far as the same relates to Baltimore county, and to>
repeal section 31, of Article 3, of the Public Local
Laws, title "Baltimore County," sub-title "County
Commissioners," and to re-enact the same with amend-
A bill entitled an Act to confirm ordinance No.
23, approved April 8, 1891, of the ordinances of the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore,, entitled "An
ordinance to authorize the construction of city passen-
ger railway tracks by the North Avenue Railway
Company of Baltimore city on North avenue from Mc-
Cullough street to Gilford avenue,, and thence on Gil-
ford avenue and North street to Lexington street, and
thence on Lexington street to Charles street, and on
North street to Charles street, and on North street to
the north side of Fayette street."
A bill entitled an Act to prevent deception and
fraud by owners or agents who may have control of