Also, introduced,
House bill entitled an Act to add an additional sec-
tion to Article 27, of the Code of Public General
Laws, relating to "Crimes and Punishments," under
sub-title "Fraud by Drivers of Cabs or Hackney Car-
Which was read a first time; and referred to the
Committee on the Judiciary.
Also, introduced,
House bill entiiled an Act to repeal and re-enact
with amendments section 67, Article 27, Code of Pub-
lic General Laws, title "Disturbance of Public Peace."
Which was read a first time, and referred to the
Committee on the Judiciary.
Also introduced,
House bill entitled an Act to repeal and re-enact
with amendments section 68, of Article 27, of the Code
of Public General Laws, title "Drunkenness and Dis-
orderly Conduct,"
Which was read a first time, and referred to the
Committee on Judiciary
Mr. Fitzgerald, from the Committee on Elections,
submitted the following report, together with the
accompanying resolution:
MARCH 3RD, 1892.
To the House of Delegates of Maryland:
The Committee on Elections to which were referred
the memorial and papers relating to the contested
election cases of Charles L. Dougherty and Tilghman
W. Sparklin against James G. Ireland and Emory F.
Bane, the two last named being the sitting members
of the House, from Calvert county, and Richard A.
Bafford, Walter H. Allton and Samuel L. Gibson,
against James A. Gott, Julius I. Dalrymple and Robt.
H. Griffith, the latter being the present incumbents
of the Orphans' Court of Calvert county as Judges
thereof,and B. B. D. Bond, against Thomas B. Turner,
the latter being at present the incumbent of the