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Proceedings of the House, 1892
Volume 398, Page 40   View pdf image (33K)
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distribution of the Governor's message to the appro-
priate committees, submitted the following
To the Honorable, the Speaker and the
Members of the House of Delegates:
Your committee appointed in reference to the dis-
tribution of the Governor's message to the appro-
priate committees for their consideration, respectfully
recommend :
That such portion of the message of the Governor
as relates to the finances of the State, State debt,
means of providing for debts, receipts of corporation
stock, reassessment of property, charitable institu-
tions, Governor's contingent fund, taxation of foreign
corporations, and railroad taxation, and cash accounts
of the Treasury, be. referred to the Committee on
Ways and Means."
That such portion of the message as relates to the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, be referred to the
Committee on Corporations.
That such portion of the message as relates to
amendments to the Constitution, be referred to the
Committee on Amendments to the Constitution.
That such portion of the message as relates to
oysters and fish commission, be referred to the Com-
mittee on the Chesapeake Bay and its Tributaries.
That such portion of the message as relates to
tobacco inspections, be referred to the Committee on
That such portion of the message as relates to
Bureau of Labor Statistics, be referred to the Com-
mittee on Labor.
That; such portion of the message as relates to
public schools and State Normal School, be referred
to the Committee on Education.
That such portion of the message as relates to the
Maryland Agricultural College, be referred to the
Committee on Agriculture.
That such portion of the message as relates to
Militia, be referred to the Committee on Militia.
That such portion of said message, as relates to the

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Proceedings of the House, 1892
Volume 398, Page 40   View pdf image (33K)
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