Assembly of Maryland, of 1825, chapter 55, entitled
"An Act to incorporate the President and Directors
of the Firemen's Insurance Company of Baltimore."
by changing the name of the said corporation to "The
Firemen's Insurance Company of Baltimore," and by
repealing section 12 of the said Act of 1825, and also
by repealing the Act of 1826, chapter 171,1829, chap-
ter 41, and 1834, chapter 168, and section 11 of the
said Act of 1825, chapter 55, and the re-enactment
thereof by section 4 of the Act of 1866, chapter 33,
all of which Acts are supplements to or amendments
of the said Act of 1825, chapter 55, and likewise
amending the Act of 1845, chapter 33, and the Act of
1845, chapter 220, both of which Acts are also supple-
ments to or amendments of the said Act of 1825,
chapter 55, and by further adding an additional sec-
tion to the said Act of 1825, chapter 55.
Also, favorably,
Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal an re-enact
with amendments, section one hundred and forty-nine,
of Article four, of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title "City of Baltimore," sub-title "Coroners' In-
quest and Dead Bodies," as re enacted by chapter
207, of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland,
passed January Session, eighteen hundred and ninety.
Which were severally read a second time.
Also, unfavorably,
House bill entitled an Act to add an additional sec-
tion to Article 93, of the Code of Public General Laws,
title "Testamentary Law," sub-title "Orphans'
Court," to follow section 250, to be known as section
250 A.
Which report was adopted.
Mr. McSherry, from the Committee on Printing,
reported favorably, with proposed amendment, the
following order heretofore referred to said Committee,
viz :
Ordered, That 125 copies of the Rules as amended
be printed by the Public Printer, and that one hun-
dred copies thereof be bound in a manner similar to
the Senate Rules of 1892, at a cost to be fixed by the
Committee on Printing,