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Proceedings of the House, 1892
Volume 398, Page 271   View pdf image (33K)
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Mr. McSherry; from the Committee on Printing,
reported favorably, the following order referred to
said committee February 4th.
"Ordered, That Augustus Sewell and James N.
Goodwin be paid the sum of two dollars per day
each, for services rendered at heating apparatus in
the State House Annex for the month of January,
Which report was adopted.
Said order, was then passed by yeas and nays, as
follows :
AFFIRMATIVE.—Messrs. Speaker, Combs, Strong,
Wilson, Brashears, Donaldson, Sappington, of Anne
Arundel, Ireland, Lane, Carrico, Maddox, Orrick,
Cole, Elliott, Hamilton, Jr., Schlaffer, Collins,
Leonard, Anderson, Sterling, Smith, of Dorchester,
Miles, Kirk, Beeks, Grove, of Cecil, Bowie, of Prince
George's, Hill, Perrie, Franklin, Wilkinson, Mc-
Sherry, Gaver, Grove, of Frederick, Hayward, Deen,
Johnson, Thompson, Fitzgerald, Fox, Carter, Bowie,
of Balto, city, Sams, Frincke, Carr, Cornthwaite,
Joyce, Smith, of Washington, Fockler, Shafer,
Garrett, Griffith, Buckey, Young, Hosken, Sr., Stot-
tlemyer, Haines, Sellman, Berret, Leeds, Tracey,
Haslup, Ellegood, Laws, Moore, Bittinger, Michaels
Also, unfavorably, the following order heretofore
referred to said committee,, viz :
Ordered, That one thousand copies of the report of
the Commander of the State Fishery Force be printed
for the use of this House, cost not to exceed one hun-
dred and fifty dollars.
Which report was adopted.
Mr. Sappington, from a Select Committee, reported
House bill entitled an Act to provide for the appoint-
ment of two additional police officers for the towns of
Brooklyn and South Baltimore, Anne Arundel county.

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Proceedings of the House, 1892
Volume 398, Page 271   View pdf image (33K)
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