65 of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland,
title "Militia," sub-title "Maryland National Guard,"
to be designated as sections "27A, 27B, 27C and
On motion of Mr. Thompson,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Judiciary
to introduce a bill giving the sanction of the General
Assembly of Maryland to the acquisition of the lease-
hold interest in a lot of ground in the city of Balti-
more, by the Trustees of the Washington Street
Station of the Methodist Protestant Church in the
city of Baltimore, and State of Maryland, a body cor-
porate of the State of Maryland.
On motion of Mr. Thompson,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Chesapeake
Bay and Tributaries to introduce a bill entitled an
Act for the preservation of the oyster, and to regulate
the taking of the same by making obligatory the cull-
ing of oysters on their natural bars or beds at the time
when caught.
On motion of Mr. Gallagher,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Judiciary
to introduce a bill to repeal and re-enact with amend-
ments section 27 of Article 65, of Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws of Maryland, title, "Militia."
The House proceeded to the consideration of un-
finished business, being the following ordered, intro-
duced by Mr. Mr. Hamilton on the 6th.
Ordered, That the Postmaster of the House of Dele-
gates (hereafter to be appointed) be and is hereby
directed to furnish to each Delegate the usual amount
of postage stamps, to wit, twenty-five dollars ($25),
and direct the same amount be allowed the Chief,
Journal and Reading Clerks, and the Sergeant-at-
Arms, and that the Chief Clerk have this order handed
to the Postmaster immediately after his qualification.
Which was read and adopted by yeas and nays as
follows :
AFFIRMATIVE.—Messrs. Speaker, Combs, Garner,
Strong, Wilson, Donaldson, Hutchins, Sappington, of