Senate bill entitled an Act to provide for the re-
locating of a portion of Water street, in the city of
Which was read a first time, and referred to the
Allegany County Delegation.
Senate bill entitled an Act to refund to Emanuel
Yeiser, late Collector of Taxes for the Third District
of Carroll county, the sum of one hundred and nine
38-100 dollars paid erroneously into the Treasury of
the State, in excess of the amount due by him for the
years 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888 and 1889.
Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal section 185, of
Article 10, of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
"Dorchester County," sub-title "Fish," as the same
was repealed and re-enacted by the Act of 1890, chap-
ter 516, and to re-enact the same with amendments,
and to add an additional section thereto to be desig-
nated section 185 B.
Which was read a first time and referred to the
Dorchester County Delegation.
Also returned,
House bill entitled an Act to repeal section 122, of
Article 4, of the Public Local Laws, title "City of
Baltimore," sub-title "Buildings," and to re-enact
the same with amendments.
Endorsed: "Read the third time and passed by
yeas and yeas.
The hour of 2 P. M. having arrived, the House con-
sidered the Order of the Day, being the motion to-
substitute the unfavorable report of Committee on
Judiciary for bill (No. 7), relating to the use of free
passes by State officers.
On motion of Mr. Laird,
Further consideration postponed and made the
Order of the Day for Wednesday, February 10th, at
12.30 P. M.